Lizzie Kate 2012 Mystery Halloween


LK mystery 1

LK mystery 2

The release dates are June 27, July 27 and August 27. There will be 3 charts, each chart will include a bonus chart and embellishment pack for suggested retail price $8.00. The thread pack for the main design will consist of 19 Weeks Dye Works overdyed threads (1 color will be a mystery color and it will not be available to purchase until September 2012). The recommended fabric/linen is Weeks Dye Works Tin Roof 30 ct and I will have 35 ct Tin Roof available as well.The stitch count for the entire sampler is 95W x 238H. If you have any question, please feel free to email me.

If you like to pay for all 3 charts upfront, please email me and I will invoice manually you in ONE transaction.

It just brought to my attention that the 30 ct fabric (17 3/4" x 17 3/4") cut that the distributor stated on the mystery sampler does not give the 3" margain for framing so I am changing the recommend fabric from 18" square recommended fabric to 18" x 27" piece for 30ct fabric. However if you only need 2 extra inches, you can still use the 30 ct 17 3/4" x 17 3/4" cut fabric. The 35 ct for 17 3/4" will give you 3" inch extra fabric. If you need more extra fabric, you will need to purchase 18" x 27" piece.
